Citarella Gothic

Citarella Gothic Ultralight

This is the beginning of a new type family that I’m working on, tentatively titled Citarella Gothic. I’m beginning with the Ultralight variant (seen above) and will be working through Black. I’d originally liked the idea of calling the font Citra, but a cursory Google search reveals there are already a number of brand names associated with Citra, so I may default to my last name. After all, I already have fonts named after this blog and my company, so why not create an eponymous one?*

The sizing and kerning are very rough, though your thoughts and feedback are certainly appreciated. Incidentally, here‘s a homework assignment from kindergarden my mom found in our basement. Apparently, I was designing fonts at Age 5.

* It’s not egoism if Francois Didot, Claude Garamond, Nicolas Jenson, Lucian Bernhard, Hermann Zapf, Giambattista Bodoni, Adrian Frutiger, John Baskerville, William Caslon, Eric Gill, Ed Benguiat, Frederic Goudy, and Herb Lubalin all did it.

Typeface T-Shirts

These shirts that were designed to have the silhouette of 5 famous typefaces; Helvetica, Caslon, Baskerville, Courier, and Cooper Black.

In the world of typography, terms such as typeface, character, body, etc are used to describe the form of a letter. The reason why they use expressions closely related to a human body, is perhaps because each different letter has a distinct quality and personality, in a similar way that us humans are all unique.

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