Blur Effect

Blurry Cursor

I originally created this effect for the old ERA404 web site when we were using the “Not Found” themes, but the concept was deprecated when we updated our marketing strategy. Since I really loved the result, I was happy to see a need for this script arise again during the creation of the Who is Augustine? site, created for Jonathan Safran Foer and his first novel, Everything is Illuminated. You can see the effect employed if you click on Augustine’s glasses in the link that takes you into her house.

People have asked how this was created and its actually quite simple. Rather than explain it, I’ve provided a zip for you to download to see the simple code involved. If you have questions, feel free to post comments.

Click here to download the source.

Cursor Illusion

Cursor Illusion

This is a pretty basic example of custom cursors in Actionscript which, when coupled with a fake drop shadow and a background image that further provokes the illusion, makes a cool effect. Granted you don’t actually have to turn the arrow cursor backwards for the effect to be achieved, but us lefties like the occasional positive reinforcement.

Again, since this effect is so simple, I’ve decided to just attach a zip of the source so you can download it and figure it out on your own. If you have questions, feel free to post comments.

Download the source files here.
This zip contains all project files for the Flash Example “Cursor Illusion”.

Flash Meta-Preloader

Flash Multi-Preloader

When we were creating the Broadway Video site, the client asked for the entire site to load in one-fell-swoop, prior to the user clicking on each of the individual sections. Since the entire site’s content is culled from XML, I figured the preloader could be too.

Here’s an example of what I mean. And, as always, I’ve uploaded a zip file of the source, XML and Actionscript for you to look through. If you have questions, feel free to post comments.

Update: January 5, 2007 –
We’ve launched a revised version of the Broadway Video site which no longer uses this script.

Download Flash Meta-Preloader
This ZIP contains all the files necessary to create a Flash Meta-Preloader on your own site.