The third weight of the Citarella Gothic family is now available on MyFonts.
Citarella Gothic Ultralight
I’m happy to announce that Citarella Gothic Ultralight is officially on-sale at MyFonts. Here’s the description:
About Citarella Gothic:
In seeking a strong, utilitarian gothic alternative for Helvetica, we’re left with few options for unobtrusive functionalism. As such, I decided to create the Citarella Gothic family. The ligatures are characteristic of the signage and architecture around Sarno, Italy, where the Citarella family originates. The sweeping arcs, broad counters, and clean swashes allow for the architectural design to be imbued with the warmth and humanity of its namesake.
Over time, I hope to extend the family to other weights and styles, but decided to start with the ultralight version and work my way through black. In the meantime, visit to play around with the font. Your feedback is appreciated, as is, of course, your patronage.
Freelance, yes. Morons, no.

A while ago, I posted the link to The Vendor-Client Relationship, in Real-world Situations. It raised a bit of awareness to the hypocrisy of the design industry, where clients and contractors over-expect liberties from creatives. I firmly believe this is inherently an industry problem, not one that plagues specific people or firms. Read more
Making Linguini
This Christmas, I got a pasta maker. I’ve gained 10 lbs. Read more
Making a Genovese
Remember how happy Donnie was when he had an authentic Genovese sandwich in front of him? Well, we thought, “why go all the way to Venice to enjoy this delectible treat?”
The following step by step will demonstrate how we were able to make Genovese Sandwiches right from the comfort of our own Harlem homes.
The Ingredients.
Italian Flatbread, is simply “Sicilian Style” pizza dough. Cut it in “CD” sized squares, and then through the middle to end up with two thin slices.
Apply the fixins.
We found this sequence gave us the best results:
1) Prosciutto
2) Tomatos
3) Mozzarella
4) Roasted Peppers
Grill’m up!
My George Foreman Lean Mean Grilling Machine did just the trick. Let it grill until the cheese is melted and the bread is toasty on both sides.
The Results.
Here’s the finished product, cut diagonally, just like they do in our Venetian Cafe!!!
Buon Appetito!