Emoji Paintings, by ND Stevenson

This artist recreated famous paintings using only emoji. Any you recognize?

Stevenson: I cannot tell you how or why, but at some point a few years back I discovered that Instagram Stories not only allows you unlimited emojis, it ALSO allows you to enlarge them to an apparently infinite degree. Thus, a very strange new hobby was born. As far as I can tell, I am the inventor of this art form, since I am a genius and everyone else has a life.

Via imfineimfine.com

The Simpsons, by Princess Prompt

A photographer and graphic designer created a set of mind-blowing AI images of The Simpsons using the very latest text-to-image technology.

“I wanted to test the new features of the latest version of Midjourney,” Princess Prompt explains. “I decided to start with The Simpsons’ characters because I’m a fan and especially because they all have a very defined look with very light colors and accessories that are their own.”

(via PetaPixel)