Since August 2010, [d]online Medium has been downloaded 13,643 times on Since January 2011, era404 Regular has been downloaded 7,619 times. And as I watched these numbers continue to rise, a collective 21,000 downloads of my typefaces, I began to wonder if people were only downloading them because they were free or if people liked them enough to spend some money on them.
[d]online Up[d]ates
Two quick things in reference to my new [d]online typeface.
1. American Typographers: According to this site, put together by Luc Devroye, of the School of Computer Science at the esteemed McGill University in Montreal, I’m part of the American Type Scene and featured (less than prominently) on his New York City page:
(by the way, the French example translates to “On the lap of the sorceress”)
In light of the creation of [d]online, the font, and my recent post about The League of Moveable Type (to which [d]online was submitted), I did some poking around and found their new Social Font Manager, the Lettercase Application. Apparently, this application will enable like-minded typographers to collaboratively build typefaces. And, to this typophile and amateur typographer, with marginal ligature skills and a lack of patience for kerning, this is wonderful news.