Let Him Retrogress

I started writing “Let Him Retrogress” while I was dating a theatre major. Consequently, when we broke up I also lost interest in this play.

The Premise
Two couples, growing weary of the stasis of their relationships, react differently. While one couple moves forward with their lives, the other couple moves backward—from the break-up to the day they met—to show how relationships deal with routine.

Download Let Him Retrogress (PDF)
Includes: PDF of Let Him Retrogress, an unfinished play about relationship stasis.

MacBeth Revisited

When we were in high school, Mike and I wrote and directed our version of Shakespeare’s bloodiest work…for the youth program at our local theatre (and stage-managed by the talented Betsy Bird). I know what you’re thinking, but I promise we’re not macabre loons. This was a farce of the original work which raised a record-high $600 for the Civic Youth Theatre.

It was so successful, in fact, we co-wrote a sequel the following year (MacBeth Revisited Revised) with a fellow CYT actor (Bob Warpehoski).

The Premise

The Thane of Fife
He had a Wife
Took a Knife to Duncan’s Life
That’ll End his Strife
Our Poor King
With The Angels Doth Sing
Felt a Sting
When we Unsheathed that Thing

Download MacBeth Revisited (PDF)
Includes: PDF of MacBeth Revisited, a comedic farce of The Scottish Play.

Monopoly of the Mind

I wrote this play when I was sixteen, which explains a lot of the fart jokes and dated humor. It was produced once in New York City at the Variety Café in the Rockefeller Center. That sounds a lot more impressive than it really was. If you’re interested in performing it at your school’s theatre program, give me a call and we’ll discuss options—which would probably only be a small donation and two free tickets.

The Premise
Inside your head there are a bunch of emotions swirling around, all trying to take control of “The Body.” When an emotion starts gaining too much power in the mind, a monopoly is created. The mind’s moderator is Reason who dutifully tends to the natural balance that prevents neuroses and personality disorders. That verbose little bugger is really just hoping that people start listening to reason…

Download Monopoly of the Mind (PDF)
Includes: PDF of Monopoly of the Mind, a rough, unformatted draft.

Download Monopoly of the Mind (PDF)
Includes: PDF of Monopoly of the Mind, a formatted final draft.

Temptation Behind a Trucker’s T

I wrote Temptation Behind a Trucker’s T in high school too, based on a neighborhood in New Jersey where I spent my elementary school years. While the plot may be pretty trite, it provides a pretty solid description of growing up in the mid-80s in suburban America.

The Premise
Two kids encounter the devil on their walk to pick up a gallon of milk.

Download Temptation Behind a Trucker’s T (PDF)
Includes: PDF of Temptation Behind a Trucker’s T, a short story.

The Arena

This short story Mike and I wrote together in high school. Looking back through it now, I actually have no idea what he wrote and what I did. We wrote the story with no idea where it would go and learned more and more about the plot as we passed it back and forth.

In college, Mike enrolled in a Television Production program at WMU and decided to shoot this for his thesis project. He got a standing ovation from the packed auditorium on its Opening Premiere.

Interestingly enough, it was based on this little structure, here.

The Premise
An aspiring actress and her boyfriend stumble on a mystical structure when a classmate is found dead in the middle of a field. The Arena, as they call it, changes their lives forever.

Download The Arena(PDF)
Includes: PDF of The Arena, a short story by Don and Mike Citarella.

The Change

VieusagiThe Complex and The Arena (which I wrote with Mike). You’ll probably also notice that there’s a hint of a political satire in there.

The Premise
A post-apocalyptic town deals with rebuilding their society based on three rules: 1) There will be no science. 2) There will be no family. 3) There will be no talk of “The Change”.

Download The Change (PDF)
Includes: PDF of The Change, a short story by Don Citarella.