When we were in high school, Mike and I wrote and directed our version of Shakespeare’s bloodiest work…for the youth program at our local theatre (and stage-managed by the talented Betsy Bird). I know what you’re thinking, but I promise we’re not macabre loons. This was a farce of the original work which raised a record-high $600 for the Civic Youth Theatre.
It was so successful, in fact, we co-wrote a sequel the following year (MacBeth Revisited Revised) with a fellow CYT actor (Bob Warpehoski).
The Premise
The Thane of Fife
He had a Wife
Took a Knife to Duncan’s Life
That’ll End his StrifeOur Poor King
With The Angels Doth Sing
Felt a Sting
When we Unsheathed that Thing
Includes: PDF of MacBeth Revisited, a comedic farce of The Scottish Play.