Reconstructed Roman Emperors, by Haround Binous

Haroun Binous, an artist from Université de Lausanne, Switzerland, is bringing the emperors back to life in a series of hyper-realistic illustrations. Combining facial recognition AI, Photoshop, and historical references, Binous is reviving all the Roman emperors, from Augustus to Valentinian III.

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Speaking American, by Josh Katz

Josh Katz - Speaking American
Fireflies vs Lightning Bugs

Did you know that your answers to just a handful of questions can reveal where you grew up? In December 2013, Josh Katz released an interactive dialect quiz in the New York Times that became the most viewed page in the paper’s history. Now a graphics editor, Katz harnessed the overwhelming response to that quiz to create Speaking American, an extraordinary and beautiful tour through the American vernacular. Read more

Rare Vintage NYC Subway Trains, by Danny Lyon

Photographer Danny Lyon‘s images of New York City subway riders in 1966 were featured in an exhibit by MTA Arts & Design. Lyon has had a distinguished career as a photographer and filmmaker, most notably documenting the Civil Rights Movement and motorcycle gangs in the 1960s. Returning to New York City in late 1966, Lyon’s mother gave him the advice, “If you’re bored, just talk to someone on the subway.” Using a Rolleiflex camera and color transparency film, the images in “Underground: 1966” have never been publicly exhibited prior to this.

(via ABC News)